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Do you want hard surface walking trails or through the woods on deer trail paths? Occasionally hook up with hiking meetup groups?

Hiking vs walking - what is the difference


  • Hiking boots (maybe a change of shoes when you get back to your car)
  • Protective eye wear
  • Gloves
  • Water/snack
  • Trash bag(keep the trails clean)
  • Plastic bags for your dog


Kansas City Hiker
Hiking Meetup Group
Urban Trail controls some trails-maintenance/opening/closing
Rainout Line
All Trails-KCRequires a free account
KC Wildlands-outdoor volunteer opportunities
Hike KC Wildlands
KC Parks & Recs-northland hiking areas
Kansas City Hiker


Missouri Dept. of Conservation
MDC-Places to go
Field guide-what to look for


Please submit your suggestions for locations

See below for walking trails

Mark L McHenry Park(formerly known as Tiffany Springs Park)

Satellite view-East parking lot centered
Satellite view-West side-parking on street when lot closed
All Trails map-from East parking lot

Wes Minder's info page

There are roughly 3 entry points-large area easy to spend 2+ hours wandering around-some well established trails and some that are more deer trails-another area west of Hampton Road and south of NW Tiffany Park Road is smaller but equally wild


Hidden Valley Park Trail System(Urban Trail Controls)

Satellite view parking lot


On Russell Rd-west of Worlds of Fun/I-435 & South of Parvin Rd

Trail map
Trail map-detailed

Hodge Park Trail/Shoal Creek(Urban Trail Controls)

NOTE: Dogs must be on a leash

Satellite view-S Parking lot centered
Satellite view-N Parking lot centered

The south parking lot gives you immediate access to the Bison at Hodge Park and Shoal Creek Living History Museum
Adjacent to the museum are several hiking trails that wind around in the wooded area. It's easy to spend 1-2 hours doing this.
The north parking lot is mostly a concrete walking type trail but you can access the hilly trails in the trees by walking south to them.

Face Book page
Info-KC Parks
Trail map


Parkville Nature Sanctuary (East St & 12th)


Count on 1 - 1.5 hours
Satellite view-Parking lot centered
More info
All Trails map


Wyandotte County Lake (Urban Trail Controls)

NOTE: Dogs must be on a leash

Satellite view-Parking lot centered
Info-Urban Trails
facebook page
Trail map - west
Trail map - east

It's about 9 miles to walk completely around the lake and can take about 4 hours-very steep in places-you might encounter people on horse back

Platte Falls Conservation Area (area S of Platte River)

NOTE: Dogs must be on a leash

Access to PFCA's south parking area is north of the Platte City Hwy HH exit (2nd Platte City exit) off I-29. Go east from the exit about 200 feet then turn left(north). The asphalt road becomes gravel just past the Ready Mix plant. There are 2 parking areas and 2 boat ramp areas. The gravel road can have some deep cuts in it in places so you won't want to race. Park in the lot at the 1st right turn when you get there.

Satellite view-S Parking lot centered
Trail map

Huge area south and north of the meandering Platte River-can eaily spend 3 hours wandering around-have seen deer and obvious work of beavers on trees along the river


Maple Woods Natural Area

NOTE: Dogs must be on a leash

Parking lot is on the south side of NE 76th street about 1 mile east of N Oak, just west of Chestnut(where 76th changes to Agnes).
If you are coming across 152 Hwy exit at Indiana, go south to 80th, then west to Agnes and south. Agnes curves around and becomes 76th.
If on NE 72nd turn north at the stoplight @ Euclid/Woodland and go to 76th and turn right.

Satellite view-Parking lot centered
More info-Regulations/Things to do
Trail map

Short but hilly trail-1 to 1.5 mile depending on how you meander-finish in 45 minutes

Parma Woods

NOTE: Dogs must be on a leash

Parma Woods is about 4.5 miles west of downtown Parkville by taking route FF/NW River Road. The entry is just west of the I-435 overpass.

Satellite view-Parking lot centered

Easy to spend 1-3 hours in this area-there are is a well established trail to walk with a loop at north end but you can wander off the trail and blaze your own fun

The shooting range:

NOTE: Your dog will NOT enjoy the shooting range.

Watch the short video and be familiar with the range operation and rules.
Parma Woods Shooting Range info
Bring your handgun & ammunition and after the hike we can go up to the shooting range. If you don't have a handgun I have several and sure others will let you shoot theirs. Eye & hearing protection are both mandatory so bring what you have. The range has some but they might already be in use. I might have a few extras.
It costs $4/hour per shooting lane so if 2 people take a lane it's real cheap. Only 1 person per lane can be firing at a time so the other(s) can be reloading at that time.
Range hours Oct 1-Apr 30 Fri-Tue 10:00am-4:30pm


Martha Lafite Thompson Nature Sanctuary
407 N La Frenz Rd-Liberty


Satellite view-Parking lot centered
Trail map
I've never been here.

Stocksdale Park/Walnut Woods Conservation Area
901 S La Frenz Rd-Liberty

Satellite view-Parking lot centered
Trail map

Mostly a walking trail.
I was here in 2011 and took us about 3.5 hours to complete. Hmmm. Maybe we got lost. Maybe my note is wrong.

Swope Park (Urban Trail Controls)

NOTE: Dogs must be on a leash

Satellite view-parking area centered
Satellite view of overall system
Map(PDF) showing system
Urban trails link-limited info
All Trails info
KC Parks info
Swope mountain bike facebook page
I've never been here except driving down Oldham Road in car.
I would suggest car pooling/caravan to this place as parking is limited to Oldham Road and scattered about. Oakwood Rd is closed except when the Zip Line & Treetop Adventure facility is open. No parking on Oakwood.
3 different loops/trails 2 of which are combined walking/mountain biking:
  • Woodchuck Run ~8.0 miles
  • Ranch D-Lux ~3.5 miles
  • Rocky Point Glade Trail-hiking only-distance not shown
The map makes it look like several strands of limp spaghetti tossed on the table. Maybe the different sections are well marked.


hard surface & gravel walking trails

Happy Rock Trail/along Shoal Creek - concrete

NOTE: Dogs must be on a leash

Satellite view
~4 mile walk to Barry Rd & back to starting point
Large parking lot on east end of trail @ 75th & Antioch on west side of Antioch(across street from Happy Rock Park)


152 Highway Trail - concrete

Links typically give satellite view of parking near starting area

Best Buy/Chuck E Cheese-PLENTY OF PARKING
The worst part of this starting location is getting to it. You need to exit I-29 at Barry Rd or Tiffany Springs and wind your way to it.
North Heartland Comm. Church
Sunday would probably be bad day for this lcation. Off of 88th street N of 152 and west of Green Hills Rd. Easy to get to. 152 & Green Hills Rd
SW corner-several parking lots-easy to get to.

Line Creek Trail - concrete

NOTE: Dogs must be on a leash

Satellite view-Riverside library-PLENTY OF PARKING
Satellite view-Riverside's Renner Brenner Park-MODERATE PARKING AVAILABLE
Satellite view-NW 68th St parking - LIMITED PARKING
Satellite view-Barry Rd & Line Creek Pkwy-LIMITED PARKING
Satellite view-Line Creek Community Center-PLENTY OF PARKING

Several starting locations-Riverside Library has plenty of parking, Brenner Rennter Park normally has plenty of parking but can fill up, NW 68th & Waukomis limited parking, Barry Rd & Line Creek Pkwy limited parking and the Line Creek Community Center has plenty of parking.
John & I did ~6.8 mile walk from Barry Rd to just south of 64th street.


------------------------Proposed Park Hill schools along Line Creek Trail
Last KC Forest     Facebook
This is a proposed elementary school and new high school for the Park Hill School District from 68th St N to ~76th. It will include a north/south connector road from 68th to Barry. It will wipe out much of the forested land east of the trail. Impact on the trail? Don't know.
Park Hill Long-Range Facilities Plan

Macken Park Trail - North Kansas City - asphalt

NOTE: Dogs must be on a leash/No alcohol

Satellite view-parking lot
1 mile around the track


English Landing Park - gravel - adjacent to Platte Landing Park

NOTE: Dogs must be on a leash

Satellite view-parking lot centered
2.2 miles for longest loop
Plenty of parking south of Parkville railroad tracks next to the Farmer's Market shelter.


Can combine with Platte Landing Park:

Platte Landing Park - gravel - adjacent to English Landing Park

NOTE: Dogs must be on a leash

Parking lot centered
1.9 mile for big loop from parking lot
Plenty of parking south and west of Parkville railroad tracks just west of ball diamond.
Can combine with English Landing Park(above)

Missouri Riverfront Trail head - asphalt/gravel

Satellite view
Off 9 Hwy heading to Parkville, just east of the large oil tanks.
It's asphalt when it starts out in a tree lined walkway. It's about 1.2 mile to the entrance to the levee, which of course is gravel. Once on the levee, it's 2.25 miles to the east trailhead near Argosy Casino. To do the whole thing would be about 7 miles but you can turn back at any time.

Anne Garney Park - asphalt

Satellite view
~1.85 mile loop
111th & Woodland-parking on east side and in center of circular trail

Platte Purchase Park - asphalt

Satellite view
NW 100th Street just west of Platte Purchase Dr
1 mile loop

Weston Bend State Park

NOTE: Dogs must be on a leash

Satellite view-Parking lot centered
Park map

Well established trail-mostly just walking and not very long. You can leave the park area and walk a gravel trail into Weston which might take about 3 hours to get into Weston and back to cars.

Weston Bluffs Trail - crushed limestone

Satellite view-Parking lot centered
It's 3.25 miles from the parking lot to downtown Weston and of course another 3.25 miles back to your car.

Park University Underground - for inclement weather occasions

Satellite view-Park University entrance off 9 Hwy
Satellite view-Entrance to underground
Entrance picture
Rules/info for those renting space

When turning into Park University entrance, bear right and go to the stop sign where you can see the entrance to the underground. There is one entrance, which you can use to exit and another exit only which is not clearly visible so you're not likely to try to enter that way. Drive straight back about 1/4 mile to the stop sign near SD Strong Distillery at pillar #135 to meetup.
Much of our walk is in finished hallway space for Park University so you do not need to wear coats or multiple layers even if it's freezing outdoors and we don't need umbrellas or sun screen:-)


Big Shoal Greenway Trail

Satellite view-parking lot centered
3324 NE 55th St(Indiana & 55th)
Parking lot between 55th & 56th on Indiana-take 56th St. east from Antioch
This trail opened up October 2021.
4 mile walk if do whole thing between Chouteau and Brighton

Brush Creek Trail

15500 NW River Rd (Take hwy FF west from Parkville)
Satellite view-parking lot centered
A work in progress-Ribbon cutting 11/3/2023
1.75 miles from south to north end
Across I-435 from Parma Woods on the East side of I-435
limited parking
Part of the Platte County Parks & Recreation system: Info

Briarcliff Greenway Trail

Short trail - 1 mile out and 1 mile back
Satellite view-school parking lot centered
Trail map
Best parking supposedly at Briarcliff Elementary School: 4100 N Briarcliff Rd KC, MO 64116